
Episode 41

Jay Cutler - Lee Priest - Guy Cisternino - Jujimufu - Evan Centopani

Historic Get Together

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Jay Cutler - Lee Priest - Guy Cisternino - Jujimufu - Evan Centopani

On this episode of Straight Outta The Lair, I sit down with many of the most prolific, recognizable, and influential characters in the world of fitness and bodybuilding. This group includes Jay Cutler, Lee Priest, Guy Cisternino, Jujimufu, Evan Centopani, Chris Tuttle, James Hollingshead, and Antoine Vaillant. We talk openly, with a live audience on hand, about the industry, our backstories, how we connect now, and some juicy behind-the-scenes stories.

#FlexLewis #jujimufu #jaycutler #christuttle #jameshollingshead #leepriest #evancentopani #guycisternino #antoinevaillan

Historic Get Together

Episode #41